upcoming workshops and events

Free Yourself to Be Yourself: Life-Altering Habits for Bold, Authentic, & Confident Living.

Free Yourself to Be Yourself: Life-Altering Habits for Bold, Authentic, & Confident Living.

Free Yourself to Be Yourself: Life-Altering Habits for Bold, Authentic, & Confident Living.

Here's an outline of what participants can expect during this workshop:

  • experience a guided timeline meditation to anchor into the session space and begin to learn about the brain's neural-energetic encoding

  • create a map of your life to uncover what living free means to you, and how it's felt and experienced by you

  • learn the ways your subconscious is keeping you stuck - and the essential habits to overcome your blocks and felt-limitations

  • curate individualized action plans including internal and external success system strategies

Participants will also leave with a free training on building a Game-Changing Morning Routine, and have an opportunity for 1:1 follow-ups if they're interested!

life-changing event

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Sex and Death: The Ultimate Orgasm.

Sex and Death: The Ultimate Orgasm.

Are you prepared for the climax? All human life comes from sex and we all die! La petite mort, (the little death) is an expression which means "the brief loss or weakening of consciousness" and in modern usage refers specifically to "the sensation of post-orgasm being similar to death. Tantra is about fully living life through the five senses, making every moment orgasmic, including the final act of living. Together we will talk about life’s essentials, activate through breath and human connection and get juicy. Duration: 1h30-2h The workshop is interactive through human connection dynamics, sensorial activations and thought provoking through Q&A.

Gabi Dias the creator of The Death Talk is originally from Brazil, now lives in the United States and works as an educator of consciousness integrated with the physical body. 

She is a Shamanic Reiki Master and a forever student. She is also initiated in Energy healing, Shamanic wisdom, Tantra, Akashic records, Death and Sacred Birth Doula. 

Currently you can find Gabi involved in many projects such as translating and organizing Indigenous Ceremonies, co-parenting and teaching families to be the best version of themselves for their children as their birth doula. 

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Baby & Me Yoga Sculpt

Class Lead: Natalie Jane Jones

Natalie is a seasoned yoga and fitness instructor with over 12 years of experience in guiding individuals towards holistic wellness. Throughout her journey, she has developed a profound passion for equipping busy individuals with the tools they need to cultivate balance and vitality in their lives while having fun. With a diverse background encompassing yoga, fitness, mindfulness, nutrition, and management, Natalie empowers her students and clients to thrive both personally and professionally. Her expertise extends beyond the mat, as she is also a certified life and nutrition coach dedicated to helping others unlock their full potential. Having discovered her life's purpose in moving, healing, and empowering others, Natalie continually expands her skill set and knowledge base. She is trained in various disciplines and has recently added pre and postnatal yoga to her repertoire, inspired by her own journey into motherhood in January 2024. Natalie's mission is to foster true happiness and vitality through physical health, guiding her clients and students to embrace their most vibrant, authentic selves.

Class Description: Welcome to Baby & Me bonding bliss, an energizing, nurturing and joyful class designed for parents (moms, dads, or caregivers) and their little ones from newborn up to one year old. This class offers a wonderful opportunity for you and your baby to bond as you work out in a supportive and warm environment, whether your baby is just observing the world, starting to crawl, or taking their first steps. Join us and enjoy a special time with your baby, focusing on health, happiness, and community. This class is not just about physical activity but creating lasting memories and strong bonds that support both you and your baby’s well-being.

Class Structure:

  • Each session begins with a gentle warm-up, which allows you and baby to slowly transition into the class environment. As we move into the core of the class, those who are comfortable will place their babies in carriers. During this segment, we engage in light cardio and strengthening exercises designed specifically for postpartum bodies. The movements help improve cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and posture while the babies enjoy the rhythm and closeness to their parents. Following the baby-wearing portion, babies will be placed on mats so you can cool-down and enjoy your yoga practice while still bonding. Before and after the structured class, there is an opportunity for parents to chat, share experiences, and enjoy being part of a community of new parents. This is a great time to make friends, find support, and learn from each other’s experiences.


  • Strengthens the emotional and physical bond between you and your baby

  • Supports your postpartum recovery and wellness

  • Stimulates your baby’s physical and cognitive development

  • Connects you with a community of other parents and caregivers

Additional Information:

  • Please bring a baby carrier, a baby blanket, and any comfort items for your baby.

  • The class is designed to be flexible to accommodate the needs of both the parent and the baby, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all.

  • No previous experience is necessary, and all fitness levels are welcome.

Age Group: 0 - 1 year (walkers welcome)

SIGN UP Baby & Me Yoga Sculpt

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Sound Bath & Yoga Nidra Immersion

Sound Bath & Yoga Nidra Immersion

Teacher & Guide:

Babette Godefroy is a Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) and a Yoga Alliance registered full-time yoga teacher (E-RYT500, YACEP). She is Program Lead for Sonic Meditation, a signature sound meditation class and Yoga Nidra Lead at lead studios of New York City.

She experiences yoga as an opportunity to have a truly intimate conversation with oneself – learning patience, dedication, non-judgement, detachment and acceptance each time she meets the mat, whether that be in any of her challenging Vinyasa classes or her most down-regulating, restorative offerings.

Sound Bath & Yoga Nidra Immersion:

Babette will be guiding us through a 90-minute special offering of gentle breath work, sound, restorative yoga, deep relaxation and meditation.

What is true rest? Only when the physical body relaxes, can we let go of mental tensions, when mental tensions melt away, we can start to release emotional tensions. In this conscious relaxation experience, Babette will guide us through powerful techniques to down-regulate our nervous system and will facilitate a deeply relaxing environment supported by crystal singing bowls, and other instruments to allow us to tap into a state of being of profound rest - of healing.

We look forward to sharing the magic of this wonderful evening with all of you.

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Power of Meditation

Power of Meditation

Power of Meditation with Lizzie Falkner

If I am conscious of my thoughts & practice to LIVE in my body, I can walk a path with light…..or at least try.


Lizzie is a 500 hours certified in Bhakti, FLY, Energy & the Subtle Body, Super Sequencing, Anatomy + Alignment, RIEKI & Hands On Assists from Laughing Lotus NYC & Maha Rose Center. Teaching full time since 2015. 

"The moment I could put a prayer at my heart I have been on a soulful quest."

"If I am conscious of my thoughts & practice to LIVE in my body, I can walk a path with light…..or at least try."

To learn more about Lizzie, visit the website:



This meditation workshop, led by Lizzie Falkner, combines theory and practice to guide participants in understanding and experiencing various meditation techniques.

  • we will explore tools that are going to help us in becoming fully aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment.

  • it will help us to discover ways to calm an anxious mind.

  • participants will learn how to cultivate a meditation practice at home.

  • the workshop will cover the history and science behind meditation.

  • this workshop aims to guide participants towards overall well-being, enhancing inner peace, and providing clarity.

All levels are welcome!


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Acro Foundations

Acro Foundations


Life is better when we fly together!


AcroYoga is a combination of yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage. It’s a partner yoga practice designed to build trust, strength, and connection while feeling like a dance.

This acro foundations workshop, led by Lana and Theo Lackman, is great for anyone who is looking to build up their partner acro skills. We will introduce basic acro terminology, foundational acrobatic concepts as well as communication skills to be a great acro partner.

No partner is necessary.

Few insights:

  • it’s not as hard as it looks.

  • a lot of fun!

  • develops super communication of body and mind.

  • this is more about balance and core than muscles.



Lana is a certified yoga teacher RYT-500 with Therapeutic Emphasis. Her process involves helping people feel better and healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually through healing with yoga.

She teaches Hatha, Power Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, AcroYoga. She also teaches Yoga Nidra (relaxation technique), Breathwork, and Meditation. She likes to challenge her students!

feel the synergy

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Animal Flow Immersive Experience

Animal Flow Immersive Experience


It is only by grounding our awareness in the living sensation of our bodies that the “I Am”, our real presence, can awaken.


Animal Flow is a ground-based movement program designed to connect you with your body, allowing you to move more intelligently. Animal Flow can be used to improve coordination, balance, stability, mobility, flexibility, strength, and stamina, all while having fun at the same time!

Besides some floor space, zero equipment is needed and persons of all ages and fitness levels can learn and master animal flow.

  • improves coordination, balance, stability, mobility, flexibility, strength and stamina, while having fun at the same time!

  • keeps us grounded, humbled, more connected to ourselves.

  • provides meditative experience, aiding in stress reduction and relaxation.


Kirk Dickson, aka Sun King Magnetic, is a certified personal trainer/fitness coach, Certified Animal Flow instructor & NYC Regional Leader. His specialty is bodyweight training and for the past 8 years in NYC he has successfully taught several clients how to get into their best physical shape without relying on weights and other gym equipment. As a bodyweight athlete and movement enthusiast himself, Sun’s sole mission is to help individuals reconnect with and further understand their own bodies in order to unlock their true potential.


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Reflect & Reset: A New Year's Journey of Yoga, Journaling & Mingling

Reflect & Reset: A New Year's Journey of Yoga, Journaling & Mingling

Join us for the ultimate New Year Reset event on January 6th, 2024, from 4:00pm-6:00pm a
Yoga Space NYC Greenpoint location!

Get ready to breathe, set intentions, and manifest your dreams in a space filled with positive
energy and excitement. This is an in-person event you won't want to miss! We've partnered with
our friends at Choices + Outcomes, The Happy Journal Co., and Vision Boards Charcuterie to
bring you a unique and unforgettable experience.

Clear the slate and rejuvenate the mind-body system with kundalini yoga and meditation
led by Anna Tansley of Choices + Outcomes. Dive into a practice of self-renewal to unlock your
inner vitality and create space for your 2024 vision to drop in.

Then, unleash your creativity and turn your dreams into reality during our dreamy journaling
session led by Sara DeLuca of The Happy Journal Co. Learn how to transform your goals and
aspirations into actionable steps for 2024. Get your thoughts down on paper and set yourself up
for success in the new year!

Close out the night by connecting with like-hearted spirits and indulging in custom
charcuterie creations provided by Carissa Kurre of Vision Boards Charcuterie. Share your
dreams, exchange ideas, and mingle with peers in a calming and supportive atmosphere.

Investment is $75. Limited tickets are available! Secure your spot and enjoy an opportunity to
reset, recharge, and connect. Grab yours before they’re gone!


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Yoga Space New Year's Eve
to Jan 1

Yoga Space New Year's Eve


Take the time to wander. For it is in this time that you will find your way.

10-11pm: Empower Flow: A Yoga Journey into the New Year - Ryan 


11:00-11:30pm: Cacao Ceremony: Release what no longer serves you and set an intention for 2024 with a ceremonial cacao drink. Concluding with a Serene Silent Meditation - Ryan & Victoria


11:30-12am: Midnight Soul Harmony: Cleansing Soundbath Meditation for Renewed Energy - Maria


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Workshop: Discover the hidden power of your Voice

Workshop: Discover the hidden power of your Voice

Powerful Voice. Freedom of Self Expression with Veronika Vidal.

Discover the hidden power of your Voice

Join our powerful master class to experience the freedom of self expression, release blockages in your throat chakra, and learn how healing your voice can be. 


Fundamental of sound projection 

Discovering Connection between voice and emotions 

*Practice: Sounding through your chakras , releasing blockages. 

This Master class will help you:

Build confidence 

Heal your throat chakra 

Balance out your nerve system

About Author

Veronika Vidal, voice coach, musician, speaker.

Bachelor degree in Musical Theatre, HB studio training, Stevie Mackey online training

International Voice and Performing competitions

20 years of experience performing on stage

Hosting Voice Master Classes for groups 

Hosting webinars for online business courses

Writing songs for Private clients and Projects. 

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Workshop. Meditation with Michel Pascal
to Jun 11

Workshop. Meditation with Michel Pascal

Michel Pascal
Meditation teacher & author
Spiritual Singer & filmmaker
Creator of the “Mind Dive App”

During the 90 minutes:

- topic of the session: how to meditate in the middle of the stress

- special profound relaxation with sound bath 

- healing concert, a taste of Michels Carnegie Hall yearly concert  

Date: Sunday March 20 

Location: Mercedes Club

Time: 2pm - 3:30pm

Additionally if you wish to stay a bit longer…

3:30 pm guests can enjoy access to steam room, jacuzzi, swimming pool. 

At 4:30pm - 5:20pm access to Michel’s Sunday class🙏🏻

Please be advice that participants require full Covid 19 vaccination.

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Sound Bath Meditation

Sound Bath Meditation

Let our hearts unite at Yoga Space where we invite you to immerse yourself into sound of Crystal singing bowls.

Experience the power of sound vibrations, the resonance of which transports you into a deep state of relaxation where your physical mental, and emotional self can rest and rejuvenate.

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Sadhu Board Standing Ceremony

Sadhu Board Standing Ceremony

Join Sadhu board standing practice

Nail board standing (Sadhu board practice) is a powerful therapeutic and psycho-emotional practice aimed to overcome physical stagnation, emotional blockages, and overall has a strong healing effect on the entire body.

We have 70,000 nerve endings on our feet, standing on nails activates the entire nervous system, including the brain.

20 minutes of standing on nails can replace a 2-hour meditation practice.

Ceremony includes tribe music, tea service, warm foot bath and authentic atmosphere🪬

Let's see how deep can you get into releasing your brain from fear of pain.

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Sedona YS Retreat
to May 4

Sedona YS Retreat

Escape your day-to-day life and join us in experiencing the magical beauty of one of the most powerful

places on Earth – Sedona. We are absolutely in love with its’ spectacular diverse scenery at every turn,

endless hiking trails, rivers, waterfalls, swimming holes, majestic red desert rock formations, and its

magical healing Vortex energy!

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KAP Kundalini Activation Process with Agnes Wielgosz

KAP Kundalini Activation Process with Agnes Wielgosz

 is a transmission of life-force energy that enters from the top of the crown and travels down toward the root chakra, gradually building up and eventually beginning to flow both ways through the subtle energy channels known as nadis, activating each of the seven main chakras along the way. 

We are all born with our vital energy (kundalini) awake in the fullest potential, but over time that vital energy fades due to many factors such as lifestyle, belief systems, limitations, etc.

KAP opens up long-held blockages in the body’s subtle energy field; this opening results in an energetic rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system.

KAP clears up the layers of patterns, illusions and traumas to find us freedom. It brings all our stories to the surface that holds us back from living life to the fullest potential.

It empowers and connects us with our inner wisdom and from that listening changes happen.

This intelligence energy opens up long-held blockages in the body’s subtle energy field; this opening results in an energetic rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system. It clears up the layers of projections, illusions and traumas to find us freedom. It brings all our stories to the surface, that keeps us small or holds us back from living life to the fullest potential.

Your life force energy is seeking to be awake and free.

Open your heart to the awakening of the Kundalini energy. Everything you seek is within you. Surrender and trust the process.

I’m so excited to share this time with you!

Love, Agnes


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