Why Do We Chant In Yoga?

Chanting is a part of the traditional ashtanga or eight limbs of yoga. It falls under svadhyaya which means self-study and reflection. Truthfully, many of us are not totally comfortable chanting when we first begin practicing yoga. This is normally because we don't understand what chanting is all about.  Many people think that it is just a bunch of spiritual mumbo jumbo. 

I hear many students say they just want to do the poses and try to breathe. It kind of makes sense because asana (the poses), and pranayama (the breathing) are also part of the eight limbs of yoga and they prepare the body and mind for deeper states of consciousness and meditation. Chanting sometimes feels really spiritual in the beginning.  As a yoga teacher, it is important to understand the importance of chanting.  Try incorporating it into your home practice.  Eventually, you will be comfortable incorporating chants into your yoga classes, when appropriate.  

β€œThe purpose of yoga is not only to keep good physical shape but also to experience infinity. Each posture should be done keeping in mind that the goal of the posture is not just the correctness of the posture,but also to experience infinity. This starts happening to you with a little practice.”

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We know that yoga means union.  It can be the union of the mind, body, and breath. In our practice, we try to shift ourselves from the "state of doing" into the "state of just being."  When we have the mind, body and breath united, we can easily find that state of being. 

Chanting deepens our practice and elevates the consciousness. It helps to calm the mind. When we have a calm mind, we are able to be more responsive, less reactive and move from a place of full potential.


What is Om?


Kundalini Yoga - The Yoga of Awareness